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PUBLIC MARKS from gregg with tag "video interactive"


Slay Your Next Giant

Slay Your Next Giant is the latest branded content/interactive video offering from Under Armour. The campaign was created by Droga5 and features leading football players and various young up-and-coming players from Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and the UK.


Long Live Pets: A social film about second chances

Lone Live Pets is a branded content crowd-sourced film with a purpose - raising awareness for rescue dogs and support for the no-kill movement in the US and Canada. Sponsored by Nature's Valley Instinct, the piece is collecting hundreds of owner-submitted photos of rescue dogs enjoying their new happy lives. They've created a series of clever scenes to help guide owners to submit the right types of images.

PwC. The right people to get the extraordinary done.

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The right people to get the extraordinary done. Some opportunities feel like impossible challenges. They’re so big and complicated that they require insights from lots of different fields. But when you have the right team working with you, truly extraordinary things can happen.


Dans La Peau Du PSG | Orange

Vivez un entraînement en immersion dans la peau des joueurs du Paris Saint-Germain

Trace Ton Court - YouTube

Trace Ton Court présente "Le Film dont vous êtes le Héros". Choisis ton personnage et sauve les otages !!!

Sortie en mer

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Embarquez pour une expérience interactive et immersive

Welcome To The Experiment

The Quiet Ones | In Theaters April 25


resignation: the immersive film experience resignation is the gritty, action-fantasy, immersive film that turns the superhero myth on its head: as an alcoholic combat photographer with a curious, heroic past struggles with his job as a “professional witness,” he must confront the fact that his dilemma may run deeper than he’d like to face.

Meet Multipop | Galahad

Multipop by Galahad transforms your online video into an engaging, hands-on event by integrating e-commerce, real-time social interaction, and content extensions into the viewing experience – all without disrupting the show.

Veto Vito

A portrait of Vito Acconci by Jonathan Harris Vito Acconci, now 74, is a kind of legendary figure in the art world. In the early 1970s, he made a series of performance art pieces that used his own body as both subject and tool. I

In Limbo | An interactive film experiment.

In Limbo is a unique film experiment that uses 360º video and interactive sound to put you in the centre of a busy mix of characters and stories. Look around and eavesdrop on people’s conversations by moving your iPhone like a camera. Not everyone is what they seem and - as in real life - there is rarely one right way to view a situation.


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Interlude videos are interactive, engaging and completely seamless, offering a multi-layered video experience for the digital age


Hidden Wounds

Hidden Wounds by dEUS and Prospektor is an interactive music documentary on post-traumatic stress disorder.


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Etonnant et original, allez au bout de la vidéo pour plonger dans l'expérience #Storytelling #MustSee

Motorola Spotlight Player™ - Applications Android sur Google Play

Windy Day, notre première histoire, a été créée par Jan Pinkava, réalisateur oscarisé et créateur des films Le joueur d'échecs et Ratatouille de chez Pixar. Windy Day est conçu avec les mêmes standards graphiques qui rendent les personnages et les environnements Pixar si merveilleux. Contrairement aux films conventionnels, c'est vous qui contrôlez la caméra pour explorer les scènes librement. Chaque visionnage est une expérience légèrement différente. Regardez partout : les surprises se cachent là où vous les attendez le moins. Les commandes sont fluides et naturelles car elles sont inspirées des commandes d'atterrissage planétaire d'une grande précision. Ce n'est pas un film, ce n'est pas un jeu, c'est unique. Nous espérons que ces histoires vous feront sourire. La méthode de narration de Spotlight Player est aussi novatrice que les histoires elles-mêmes. Préparez-vous à découvrir quelque chose d'extraordinaire !

IDNA – spatial storytelling

IDNA is the first story deployed on our spatial storytelling prototype. Each scene is designed on 360 degrees, so that you can explore it however you want through the story. This is done simply by turning the iPad around you. The story has branches: according to the user’s focus on certain angles or characters, the film may seamlessly take a different path. The idea is to bring the viewer to follow the story according to its sensitivity and its affects to a particular character or a particular event. The audio narrative is 3D sound, sensitive to the body's orientation.

Silence the Shadows | I

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Scary personalized live action and 3D audio Facebook Connect experience created by Luxurious Animals. The experience is reminscent of Take This Lollipop, whereby it is short and sweet and most personalized if you use Facebook Connect. The user can also subtlely control panning of the video. Another unique aspect of this project is the 3-D audio soundscape (make sure to use headphones if you want to experience it).

▶ #MurderProject

#MurderProject est une histoire sur Youtube où plusieurs chemins sont possibles à suivre. On peut aussi naviguer dans le temps puisque les « chapitres » désignent soit « avant le meurtre« , soit « après« … Cette experience est proposée par Unlinear.TV.


At Storygami we help individuals and brands make interactive online videos. We use a term called “layered video” for our approach. What this means is that we add elements that the audience can interact with over the top of online videos. These elements become visible only when they are triggered by the viewer or user.